2016 Reebok CrossFit Invitational Events Released

November 18, 2016


All events for the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Invitational have been announced.

The fittest athletes from the United States, Europe, Canada and the Pacific gathered on Friday night in Oshawa, Ontario, for an athlete briefing with the Director of the Games Dave Castro.

There, Castro released the events for the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Invitational, which will be held Sunday, Nov. 20, from 4 - 6 p.m. ET (1 - 3 p.m. PT) at the Tribute Communities Centre (formerly General Motors Centre) and streamed to the Games site and YouTube.

Yet again, it’s going to be an action-packed two-hour competition.

Event 1 - All 4 athletes

21-15-9 reps of:
854-lb. deadlifts
Bar-facing burpees

All four athletes will work together to deadlift a long bar loaded to 854 lb. Burpees will be synchronized.

Event 2 2 female athletes

1-rep-max snatch
1-rep-max clean and jerk

For each lift, athletes will have two attempts. One female athlete will snatch, and the other will clean and jerk. The team score is the sum of the max snatch plus the max clean and jerk.

Event 3 2 female athletes

Handstand-walk relay

Relay-style handstand-walk relay with each athlete walking the length of the floor.

Event 4 All 4 athletes

15 bar muscle-ups
20/16-cal. bike and 24/20-cal. row
4 Pig flips
12 bar muscle-ups
20/16-cal. bike and 24/20-cal. row
3 Pig flips
9 bar muscle-ups
20/16-cal. bike and 24/20-cal. row
2 Pig flips

Teams will have four pull-up bar stations, two rowers and two bikes, and two Pigs. Bar muscle-ups must be synchronized with all four members. For the second station, a male athlete and a female athlete will row while the other male athlete and other female athlete bike. For the flips, the men will alternate flipping their Pig while the women alternate flipping a second Pig. 

Event 5 2 male athletes

1-rep-max snatch
1-rep-max clean and jerk

For each lift, athletes will have two attempts. One male athlete will snatch, and the other will clean and jerk. The team score is the sum of the max snatch plus the max clean and jerk.

Event 6 - 2 male athletes

Handstand-walk relay

Relay-style handstand-walk relay with each athlete walking the length of the floor.

Event 7 All 4 athletes

As MF pairs, each athlete completes:
  3 rope climbs
  30 strict HSPU with HS hold
Then, as a team:
  30 slug cleans
  30 Pig jump-overs, synchro
  30 slug thrusters

For the first two exercises, the team will be split into male/female pairs, with each athlete completing 3 rope climbs and 30 strict handstand push-ups. Once those reps are completed by both pairs, the team will reunite and work together for the remaining exercises. The first slug weighs 225 lb., and the second slug weighs 300 lb..


Points Table

4-Athlete Events 2-Athlete Events Final Event
1st - 6 pts. 1st - 3 pts. 1st - 8 pts.
2nd - 4 pts. 2nd - 2 pts. 2nd - 5 pts.
3rd - 2 pts. 3rd - 1 pt. 3rd - 1 pt.
4th - 0 pts. 4th - 0 pts. 4th - 0 pts.



Tickets are still available.

All the action will stream live on Games.CrossFit.com and on YouTube from 1 p.m. PT to 3 p.m. PT.

Additional coverage will also be available on the CrossFit Games Facebook page and CrossFit Games Instagram page throughout the weekend.